Donna Brooks
[email protected]
7th grade vb try-outs / practice will begin on Monday, Aug. 19th after school from 3 to 5 pm. The first 4 days are tryouts. Soft cuts will be on Thursday, August 22nd, and final cuts will be on Friday, August 23 ( 8th grade will make final cuts Thursday, first full day of practice is Friday). We keep around 20 girls. Everyone must have a school physical form, an assumption of risk form, & a concussion form on file with the school secretary before they can try-out for VB. Forms are available at your doctor's office, the school office, or online on our school website to print off for your convenience. Please turn these into the office before the 19th, or the first day of school. The secretaries start back to work the first part of August, so you can drop it off in the office prior to the first day of school if possible.
If a student makes the volleyball team, practices will be after school most days, except for game days. There will also be about 4 morning practices to be designated ahead of time. We dismiss every Friday at 4:45 pm.
Required practice attire: shorts, t-shirt, sports bra, athletic tennis shoes, hair pulled back into a ponytail if possible, and ( optional) knee pads. The school provides uniforms when the season begins. Locker room lockers will be checked out to players after our team has been chosen.
A team schoology page will be our major communication resource for our vb page. We ask that all players and parents/guardians join our Schoology page to keep updated during the season.
As a member of our VB team, it is expected that each player remain in good standing academically and behaviorally at SMS. F reports will be run each Monday to check grades.
Games begin: The first week of September.