Jill Becker
Donna Brooks
Due to the COVID19 and the change to our Continuous Learning Plan dates and deadlines have been changed. Updated information for this years' induction into National Honor Society are listed below.
Summaries of chapter meetings will be posted on the NJHS Schoology page. Schoology will also be the primary source of communication with members and parents.
SJHS-Selection process
1) Seventh grade students initially qualify for NJHS according to first semester GPA, which must be a 3.75 or above.
2) Students who meet the GPA requirement must also have zero discipline points.
3) Students who meet the aforementioned qualifications are eligible to be nominated by staff. Staff base their nominations on leadership qualities they observe at SMS.
4) Students nominated by staff may then apply for membership. E-mails will sent via school email to those students who have been nominated, inviting them to complete the application. The application must be turned-in by the deadline for a candidate to be considered. Students are scored in several areas, including, but not limited to, scholarship, service, leadership, character, citizenship. Completed applications will be turned in digitally to Mrs. Brooks at
[email protected]. The deadline for completed applications is May 11th.
5) Students who applied for membership to National Junior Honor Society will be notified of the decision by the end of May.